We Believe In The Power Of Tezos NFT Creators

You Deserve Complete Control Over Your NFTs.
Start Creating Your Own Smart Contracts DFY.

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TezosNoCode About



At TezosNoCode, we're passionate about creativity and real digital ownership on the Tezos blockchain. Our journey began with a simple belief: Everyone deserves the opportunity to participate in the blockchain revolution, regardless of their technical knowledge.

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing a seamless and intuitive user experience, guiding you through every step of the journey with confidence and ease, helping you to create your own Tezos Smart Contracts.

With years of combined experience in blockchain technology and a deep understanding of the challenges facing creators and collectors, we set out to create a platform that would simplify the process of creating Tezos Smart Contracts and allow everyone to take control of their digital assets.

We picture a world where everyone has the opportunity to unleash their creativity and own their digital destiny. Join us on our mission to democratize NFT creation and revolutionize digital ownership on the Tezos blockchain.

Together, we can shape the future of decentralized finance (DeFi) and empower individuals to thrive in a digital-first world.

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How Does It Work?

TezosNoCode Smart Contracts DFY

TNC step 1
Create Your Collection
Connect your Tezos Wallet, fill a simple form (Upload Logo, Name, Description, Category) and Create Your Own Smart Contract on the Tezos Blockchain.
TNC step 2
Add Your Digital Assets
Upload your files (image, video or audio) and add the metadata details (Attributes, Tags, License, Flashing Hazards and NSFW).
TNC step 3
Set Up Your Mint Page
Define your mint price + royalty percentage and you're ready to go! Your Exclusive Random Mint Page will be automatically created for You!


We Believe in Turning Your Dreams Into Reality


Frequently Asked Questions

TezosNoCode is a user-friendly platform that allows individuals to easily create and own Smart Contracts on the Tezos blockchain without the need for any coding knowledge.

TezosNoCode first release will guide users through the NFT creation process step by step, allowing them to create their own Smart Contracts, customize their NFT collections and digital assets, and provide an exclusive page to mint the NFTs randomly with confidence and ease.

Yes, TezosNoCode leverages the robustness of Tezos blockchain Smart Contracts to provide unparalleled security and transparency, ensuring that your digital assets are protected at all times.

TezosNoCode is designed for anyone with an interest in digital assets' creation, from artists and creators to collectors, investors and enthusiasts. Our platform is accessible to individuals of all skill levels, making it easy for everyone to participate in the blockchain revolution.

Getting started with TezosNoCode is easy – simply connect your Tezos wallet, and you'll be guided through the Smart Contract creation process step by step. Whether you're creating your first Smart Contract or minting digital assets from other users, our platform makes it simple and intuitive to get started.

There are ZERO expenses for creators.
During the pre-launch phase, creating a Smart Contract on TezosNoCode is FREE. You just need to cover the usual gas fees that are charged by Tezos blockchain validators.